Friday, August 20, 2010

Photo 37: Flower Ovary

While it's really difficult to see from afar, this flower has been torn down the middle to show the flower ovary. The flower ovary is found right where the stem meets the flower (at the bottom of the pistil) and contains ovules. After it has been fertilized, the ovary will create a fruit.

Photo 38: Modified Root of Plant

 This is an example of a modified root of a plant. The water lily has adapted to grow together to share nutrients.

Photo 39: Long-day plant

 This blue lace flower is a long-day plant because it requires 6 or more hours of light every day.

Photo 40: Genetically modified organism

This grocery store grape is a genetically modified organism because its "parents" were chosen so that it would be greener and juicier than your average wild grape.
Photo 29: Animal that has a segmented body

This scary spider has a segmented body, meaning it has repeating segments of body parts, visible in its legs.

Photo 30: Introduced species

This African Violet is considered an introduced species because it is native to Tanzania, and has been introduced by humans to North America.

Photo 31: Distinguishing characteristics of Monocots and Dicots (1)

This flower is an example of a monocot because of its long tapering blades. The blades vary, however they are parallel.

Photo 32: Distinguishing characteristics of Monocots and Dicots (2)

This flower is also an example of a monocot, because its petals are in multiples of 3.

Photo 33: Distinguishing characteristics of Monocots and Dicots (3)

This flower is an example of a dicot because its petals come in multiples of 4 or 5.

Photo 34: Distinguishing characteristics of Monocots and Dicots (4)

This leaf is another example of a dicot because the veins in its leave form a net pattern.

Photo 35: Distinguishing characteristics of Monocots and Dicots (5)

This rose is an example of a dicot because its petals come in multiples of fours or fives, and the vascular bundles of its stem are in distinct circles.

Photo 36: Introduced Species

My mom's favorite flower, the peony, is also an introduced species because it is native to Asia, and was brought to North America, where it has adapted to live.
Photo 23: Parisitism

The relationship between this leaf and the tiny worm living on it is described as parasitism, because the worm benefits from the relationship and the leaf is harmed from the relationship.

Photo 24: Cuticle layer of plant

This plant shows another example of cuticle layer of plant. The leaves have an outer cuticle to protect them.

Photo 25: Phloem

The tissue inside the stem of a plant contains phloem, which is made up of sugar and nutrients involved in the growth of the plant.

Photo 26: Gymnosperm Leaf

This is an example of a gymnosperm because it reproduces by way of an exposed seed.

Photo 27: Modified leaf of plant

This plant is another example of a modified leaf of a plant because its leaves have adapted to be camouflage to protect itself from insects and predators.

Photo 28: Heterotroph

I found these lovely heterotrophs at the Richmond Metro Zoo last summer. They are heterotrophs because they are consumers in the food chain.
Photo 18: Bilateral Symmetry

This sliced apple exhibits radial symmetry because it has roughly identical mirroring halves.

Photo 19: Commensalism

The relationship between the fish of the pond and the aquatic plants represents commensalism because the fish are positively effected by the relationship because it provides them food, and the plants are not effected.

Photo 20: Radial Symmetry

This flower represents radial symmetry because if you cut it in half anywhere, the parts would be approximately symmetrical.

Photo 21: Mutualism

The relationship between this honeysuckle bush and the butterflies and hummingbirds living around it demonstrate mutualism by acting as pollen, and pollinators who need each other for survival.

Photo 21: Exoskeleton

This cricket demonstrates another example of exoskeleton because it has a hard outer shell to protect its outsides.

Photo 22: Predation

This spider web represents an example of predation. The spider sets up its web in a bush where it sits to catch insects.

Photo 11:Pollinator

This crape myrtle provides pollen for the pollinators in my yard such as bees and butterflies.

Photo 12: Modified leaf of a plant

This caladium leaf has a pink warning pattern on the front to deter predators, and to warn them that it is poisonous.

Photo 13: Pollinator

This bee in my backyard is a pollinator to our butterfly bush, since it carries pollen from flower to flower, fertilizing them.

Photo 14: Prokaryote

This potted flower is another example of a prokaryote, because its cells are prokaryotic and have cell walls.

Photo 15: Gametophyte

When a plant produces male and female gametes by undergoing the process of mitosis, it is a gametophyte. Mosses, such as this one undergo this phase in an early developmental stage.

Photo 16: Seed Dispersal

Plants can't always rely on people to plant their seeds. The concept of seed dispersal suggests that plants rely on wind, animals and water as well. In this environment in the pond in my backyard, plants rely heavily on the water and wind for their seeds to be spread.

Photo 17: Exoskeleton

This praying mantis has an exoskeleton, an external shell (or, skeleton) that protects its body from harm.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Photo 9: Eukaryote

I found this cute little eukaryote named Anne Douglas Goforth in my back yard. Eukaryotes are organisms made up of eukaryotic cells, which do not have cell walls making them squishier, rather than crunchy.

Photo 10: Autotroph

This algae is classified as an autotroph because it is a producer in the food chain. It uses dead materials (inorganic compounds) and turns them into organic compounds for the heterotrophs.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Photo 1: Prokaryote

A prokaryote is an organism whose cells are prokaryotic. Prokaryotic cells have a cell wall that acts as a shell around the contents of the cell, and gives plants the "crunch" not apparent in eukaryotic cells.

Photo 2: Adaptation of a Plant

This holly bush's leaves are an example of an adaptation of a plant because they have developed prickly edges that protect the leave from insects and other predators

Photo 3: Adaptation of a Plant

This leaf has adapted to repel water and create runoff by its shape, which is turned down so that the leaf can't be trampled by heavy rain.

Photo 4: Mullerian Mimicry

This Monarch butterfly uses Mullerian Mimicry to appear poisonous by mimicing the Viceroy butterfly. This protects the Monarch from predators who are less likely to prey upon a poisonous organism.

Photo 5: Cuticle layer of a plant

The cuticle layer of a plant is the outer layer of protection on the organism's surface. This leaf's glossy outer layer is the cuticle layer of the plant.

Photo 6: Population

A population is a group of organisms of the same species living together in an environment. These koi fish are living (and eating) together in a pond in my backyard!

Photo 7:  Frond

A frond is a large, segmented leaf, typically a fern. This fern has long segmented leaves and is a frond.

Photo 8: anther & filament of stamen

The anther is the pollen-covered tip of the small stems (filaments) that come from the center of a flower.