Friday, August 20, 2010

Photo 23: Parisitism

The relationship between this leaf and the tiny worm living on it is described as parasitism, because the worm benefits from the relationship and the leaf is harmed from the relationship.

Photo 24: Cuticle layer of plant

This plant shows another example of cuticle layer of plant. The leaves have an outer cuticle to protect them.

Photo 25: Phloem

The tissue inside the stem of a plant contains phloem, which is made up of sugar and nutrients involved in the growth of the plant.

Photo 26: Gymnosperm Leaf

This is an example of a gymnosperm because it reproduces by way of an exposed seed.

Photo 27: Modified leaf of plant

This plant is another example of a modified leaf of a plant because its leaves have adapted to be camouflage to protect itself from insects and predators.

Photo 28: Heterotroph

I found these lovely heterotrophs at the Richmond Metro Zoo last summer. They are heterotrophs because they are consumers in the food chain.

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